Diploma in IT for mentors

- Description
1L296SM: Introduction to Scrum MasterVideo lesson
Scrum Master Roles and Responsibility
2L297SM: Scrum Ceremonies - Workshop02:07:00
Scrum Ceremonies - Workshop
3L298SM: Introduction to Scrum MasterVideo lesson
Scrum Master Roles and Responsibility
4L299SM: Introduction to Agile Project Management & PlanningVideo lesson
Introduction to Agile Project Management & Planning
5L300SM: Scrum CeremoniesVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies
6L301SM: Team charterVideo lesson
Team charter
7L302SM: Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint PlanningVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint Planning
8L303SM: Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Daily Stand UpVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Daily Stand Up
9L304SM: Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint ReviewVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint Review
10L305SM: Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint RetrospectiveVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint Retrospective
11L306SM: Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Q&AVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Q&A
12L307SM: Azure Board Project Set UpVideo lesson
Azure Board Project Set Up
13L308SM: Azure Board Project Set Up WorkshopVideo lesson
Azure Board Project Set Up Workshop
14L309SM: Sprint 1 ExpectationsVideo lesson
Sprint 1 Expectations
15L310SM: Capacity PlanningVideo lesson
Capacity Planning
16L311SM: Capacity Planning WorkshopVideo lesson
Capacity Planning Workshop
17L312SM: General meetingVideo lesson
General meeting
18L313SM: METRICSVideo lesson
19L314SM: METRICS WorkshopVideo lesson
METRICS Workshop
20L315SM: Introduction to the Winter 2023 Programmes01:00:00
Introduction to the Winter 2023 Programmes
21L316SM: Introduction to Scrum Master- All roles invited01:02:00
Brief Overview of Agile
Waterfall vs Agile
Scrum Basics
Who can be a Scrum Master
Salary Scale
22L317SM: Internship Onboarding00:51:00
�Internship Structure
�Tutor Buddy and Mentor
�Internship support call
�Support call
�Onboarding Process
�Programme Schedule
23L318SM: Introduction to Scrum Master01:58:00
Scrum Master Roles and Responsibility
24L319SM: Introduction into Agile (Agile/ Scrum/ Kanban) and Waterfall (Software Development Methodologies)01:59:00
�Introdcution to Agile Software Developmetn Methodologies
�What is Scrum
�What is Kanban
�Scrum vs Kanban
�Introduction to Waterfall Software Developmetn Methodologies.
25L320SM: SM: Q&A: Roles in Agile00:54:00
26L321SM: Agile: The roles of team members (Scrum Master, Tester, BA)01:07:00
�The 3 main roles in Agile
�Some Other roles within ann Agile Team
27L322SM: Scrum Ceremonies (Including Facilitation Techniques, Methods & Skills)Video lesson
�Sprint Planing
�Daily Stand up
�Sprint Review
�Sprint Retorspective
28L323SM: General MeetingVideo lesson
29L324SM: Scrum Ceremonies - Workshop02:07:00
Scrum Ceremonies - Workshop
30L325SM: Scrum Ceremonies - Workshop02:07:00
Scrum Ceremonies - Workshop
31L326SM: Motivational Talk Show: How I became an IT consultant from a ticketing officer at London Underground01:22:00
Motivational session
32L327SM: Roadmap01:00:00
33L328SM: General Meeting02:00:00
Interview Prep
34L329SM: CV Review02:00:00
35L330SM: Sprint 3 Demo and presentationVideo lesson
36L331SM: Sprint 3 Demo and presentationVideo lesson
37L332SM: General Meeting03:00:00
Interview Prep
38L333SM: Sprint 4 Demo and presentationVideo lesson
39L334SM: General Meeting03:00:00
Interview Prep
40L335SM: BacklogVideo lesson
41L336SM: Backlog Population/Navigating Azure Sprint Board01 hour 39 minutes
42L337SM: Introduction to Scrum Mastering01 hour 02 minutes
43L338SM: Scrum Ceremonies including facilitation techniques, methods and skills01 hour 7 minutes
44L339SM: Azure Devops Setup- Advanced Configuration02 hours 16 minutes
45L340SM: Estimation Techniques01 hour 45 minutes
46L341SM: Sprint Ceremonies in a workshop02 hours 22 minutes
47L342SM: Scrum Events Demo/Workshop - QA02 hours 22 minutes
48L343SM: Daily Stand-up/ Sprint Planning DemoVideo lesson
49L344SM: Daily Stand Up 20230509Video lesson
50L345SM: Azure Setup 11hr 41mins 36s
51L346SM: Azure DevOps Setup 2Video lesson
52L347SM: Agile Estimation Techniques1hour 16minutes
53L348SM: User Story MentorshipVideo lesson
54L349SM: Sprint Planning Workshop2hours 32minutes
55L350SM: Daily StandUp Catch Up1hour 26minutes
56L192QA: Introduction to Software Testing00:21:18
57L193QA: Introduction to Manual Testing02:05:09
58L194QA: Introduction to Manual Testing II01:30:59
59L195QA: Introduction to Manual Testing III00:35:28
Defect Life Cycle
60L196QA: Manual Testing Questions and Answers00:09:44
Manual Testing Questions and Answers
61L197QA: Manual Testing iv00:39:26
Types of Testing
62L198QA: Test Case00:21:37
Test Case
63L199QA: Test Case Demo (On Azure)01:04:48
Test Case Demo (On Azure)
64L200QA: Test Cases00:09:57
65L201QA: Test Cases01:32:06
66L202QA: Test Case Demo(On Excel)00:44:38
Test Case Demo(On Excel)
67L203QA: Test plan and Test management02:43:21
68L204QA: Introduction to Test Automation00:49:43
Installation of java,maven and IntelliJ
69L205QA: Introduction to Test Automation00:10:39
Automation Q $ A
70L206QA: Introduction to Test Automation01:16:20
Manual Testing Demo
71L207QA: Introduction to automation drop in session/workshop01:48:44
72L208QA: Introduction to Test Automation01:21:22
73L209QA: Introduction to Test Automation00:09:47
Automation Q $ A
74L210QA: Introduction to Test Automation00:56:43
75L211QA: Introduction to Test Automation00:59:35
Automation workshop/demo
76L212QA: Introduction to Test Automation00:34:35
77L213QA: Introduction to Test Automation01:15:50
78L214QA: Introduction to Test Automation00:06:01
79L215QA: Introduction to Test Automation00:31:13
Assertion (continuation)
80L216QA: Introduction to Test Automation00:15:35
Automation Q $ A/workshop
81L217QA: Introduction to Test Automation01:24:22
Background, Scenario outline,Invalid scenario
82L218QA: Introduction to Test Automation06:58:00
Look through session of interns progress on automation tasks
83L219QA: Introduction to Test Automation06:44:00
Version Control
84L220QA: Introduction to Test Automation01:16:40
Page object model, page factory
85L221QA: Introduction to Software Testing00:21:18
86L222QA: Introduction to Manual Testing02:05:09
87L223QA: Introduction to Manual Testing II01:30:59
88L224QA: Introduction to Manual Testing III00:35:28
Defect Life Cycle
Manual Testing Questions and Answers
90L226QA: Manual Testing iv00:39:26
Types of Testing
91L227QA: Manual Testing iv00:21:37
Test Case
92L228QA: Manual Testing iv01:04:48
Test Case Demo (On Azure)
93L229QA: Manual Testing iv00:09:57
Test Cases
94L230QA: Manual Testing iv01:32:06
Test Cases
95L231QA: Manual Testing iv00:44:38
Test Cases
96L232QA: Test plan and Test management02:43:21
97L233QA: Introduction to Automation00:49:43
Installation of java,maven and IntelliJ
98L234QA: Introduction to Automation00:10:39
Automation Q $ A
99L235QA: Introduction to Automation01:16:20
Manual Testing Demo
100L236QA: Introduction to automation drop in session/workshop01:48:44
101L237QA: Automation01:21:22
102L238QA: Automation00:09:47
Automation Q $ A
103L239QA: Automation00:56:43
104L240QA: Automation00:59:35
Automation workshop/demo
105L241QA: Testers account permissions00:50:44
Testers account workhop/demo
106L242QA: Automation00:34:35
107L243QA: Automation01:15:50
108L244QA: Automation00:06:01
109L245QA: Automation00:31:13
Assertion (continuation)
110L246QA: Automation00:15:35
Automation Q $ A/workshop
111L247QA: Introduction to Software Testing00:21:18
112L248QA: Introduction to Manual Testing02:05:09
113L249QA: Introduction to Manual Testing II01:30:59
114L250QA: Introduction to Manual Testing III00:35:28
Defect Life Cycle
115L251QA: Manual Testing Questions and Answers00:09:44
Manual Testing Questions and Answers
116L252QA: Manual Testing iv00:39:26
Types of Testing
117L253QA: Test Case00:21:37
Test Case
118L254QA: Test Case Demo (On Azure)01:04:48
Test Case Demo (On Azure)
119L255QA: Test Cases00:09:57
120L256QA: Test Cases (Cont�)01:32:06
121L257QA: Test Cases (Cont�)00:44:38
Test Case Demo(On Excel)
122L258QA: What is SQL?Video lesson
<li>SQL stands for Structured Query Language</li>
<li>SQL lets you access and manipulate databases</li>
<li>SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986, and of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987</li>
123L259QA: How To Write User Stories and Acceptance Criteria01 hour 10 minutes
124L260QA: Introduction to Manual Testing01 hour 34 minutes
125L261QA: Software Testing Q&A30 minutes 29 seconds
126L262QA: Test Fundamentals02 hours 09 minutes
127L263QA: SDLC/STLC01 hour 39 minutes
128L264QA: SDLC/STLC PART 226 minutes
129L265QA: SDLC/STLC PART 301 minute 37 seconds
130L266QA: Test Design02 hours 28 minutes
131L267QA: Test Design Part 201 hour 35 minutes
132L268QA: Test management/documentation (Reports,risk, test estimation), roles, tools & processes01 hour 04 minutes
133L269QA: Test Strategy, Test Deliverables02 hours 02 minutes
134L270QA: Test Cases Creation using Excel and AzureDevOps - Workshop.02 hours 10 minutes
135L271QA: Test Design, Test Cases & Test Techniques.02 hours 17 minutes
136L272QA: Using Shared Step functionality in AzureDevOps Q&A44 minutes
137L273QA: Guidelines to Using Testers Account on Azure DevOps.38 minutes
138L274QA: Manual Testing Workshop USING AZURE DEVOPS01 hour 50 minutes
139L275QA: Static Testing Concept/ Requirement Review02 hours 17 minutes
140L276QA: Introduction to Webdriver Command and Workshop on Automation Framework SetUp02 hours 40 minutes
141L277QA: Test Automation Workshop01 hour 44 minutes
142L278QA: API TESTING48 minutes
143L279QA: ELEMENT LOCATORS02 hours 53 minutes
144L280QA: PAGE OBJECTS02 hours 20 minutes
145L281QA: ASSERTIONS02 hours 28 minutes
146L282QA: Mobile Testing02 hours 04 minutes
147L283QA: TDD, ATDD or BDD Gherkin Specflow Rudiments And WebDriver Command01 hours 52 minutes
148L284QA: Guidelines to Using Testers Account on Azure DevOps.38 minutes 41 seconds
149L285QA: Introduction To Software Testing 23mins 5s
150L286QA: Introduction To Software Testing 1Video lesson
151L287QA: QA Create First Test Project 10hours 29minutes
152L288QA: QA Create First Test Project 21hour 23minutes
155L291QA: QA Automation3hours 28minutes
156L292QA: SOFTWARE TESTING (SDLC & STLC)1hour 4minutes
157L293QA: QA MANUAL TESTING 22hour 39minutes
158L294QA: QA MANUAL TESTING 52hour 09minutes
159L295QA: MANUAL TESTING 42hours 12minutes
160L137DA: POWER BI Part 1: The role of a data analyst01:00:17
The role of a data analyst
161L138DA: TABLEAU Part 101:44:43
162L139DA: POWER BI Part 2: Data preparation in Power BI01:45:12
Data preparation in Power BI
163L140DA: TABLEAU Part 201:47:55
164L141DA: SQL Part 102:12:42
165L142DA: POWER BI Part 3: Cleaning, Transforming and Loading Data01:32:55
Cleaning, Transforming and Loading Data
166L143DA: TABLEAU Part 301:58:54
167L144DA: SQL Part 202:10:44
168L145DA: TABLEAU Part 401:07:32
169L146DA: POWER BI Part 4: Importing Database on Power BI01:49:02
Importing Database on Power BI
170L147DA: SQL Part 301:50:27
Typles anf Use of Join Clause on SQL
171L148DA: TABLEAU Part 501:33:29
Parameters and Moving Average on Tableau
172L149DA: POWER BI Part 5: Transforming Data in Power BI02:32:27
Transforming Data in Power BI
173L150DA: SQL Part 401:59:29
String Handling on SQL
174L151DA: POWER BI Part 6: Data Modelling on Power BI02:38:36
Data Modelling on Power BI
175L152DA: TABLEAU01:47:27
Preparing Dashboard on Tableau
176L153DA: SQL Part 501:37:34
String Handling on SQL Part II
177L154DA: POWER BI Part 7: Data Modelling on Power BI Part II01:41:30
Data Modelling on Power BI Part II
178L155DA: TABLEAU01:55:32
Preparing Dashboard on Tableau Part II
179L156DA: SQL Part 601:49:10
String Handling on SQL Part III
180L157DA: POWER BI Part 8: Creating DAX Calculations on Power BI02:34:18
Creating DAX Calculations on Power BI
181L158DA: TABLEAU01:45:43
Preparing Dashboards on Tableau Part III
182L159DA: POWER BI Part 9: Creating DAX Calculations on Power BI Part II01:06:47
Creating DAX Calculations on Power BI Part II
183L160DA: SQL: Data Types on SQL01:26:03
Data Types on SQL
184L161DA: POWER BI Part 10: Data Visualisation on Power BI00:52:51
Data Visualisation on Power BI
185L162DA: POWER BI Part 11: Data Visualisation on Power BI Part II01:37:55
Data Visualisation on Power BI Part II
186L163DA: POWER BI Part 1201:56:32
Building Dashboard on Power BI
187L164DA: METRICSVideo lesson
188L165DA: METRICS WorkshopVideo lesson
METRICS Workshop
189L166DA: Introduction To SQL(1)02 hours 06 minutes
190L167DA: Introduction To SQL(2)11 minutes 27 seconds
191L168DA: Microsoft Excel(Basic)57 minutes 46 seconds
192L169DA: Microsoft Excel (Intermediate)58 minutes 57 seconds
193L170DA: Business Intelligence / Developer02 hours 13 minutes
194L171DA: Introduction to Data Analysis41 minutes 22 seconds
195L172DA: Data Analysis: Q&A01 hour 05 minutes
196L173DA: Business Intelligence / Developer02 hours 13 seconds
197L174DA: Business Intelligence II02 hours 08 minutes
198L175DA: Business Intelligence III02 hours 22 minutes
199L176DA: TABLEAU01 hour 15 minutes
200L177DA: Tableau II01 hour 07 minute
201L178DA: Tableau III54 minutes 55 seconds
202L179DA: Introduction to SQL I37 minutes 24 seconds
203L180DA: Introduction to SQL II11 minutes 27 seconds
204L181DA: Introduction to PowerBI48 minutes 35 minutes
205L182DA: SQL III2 hours 06 minutes
206L183DA: Microsoft Excel Workshop 1Video lesson
207L184DA: Data Analysis SQL Summer 2023Video lesson
208L185DA: SQL Installation1hour 7minutes
209L186DA: Tableau1hour 59minutes
210L187DA: Tableau 30-05-232hours 7minutes
211L188DA: Microsoft Excel2hours 16minutes
212L189DA: SQL1hour 22minutes
213L190DA: TABLEAU CLASS1hour 46minutes
214L191DA: MsSQL SET UP and INSTALLATION1hour 11mnutes
215L105CY: Fundamental concepts in Cyber Security01:10:21
Fundamental concepts in Cyber Security
216L106CY: Basics of Network Security00:46:07
Networking, Network and Network Security
217L107CY: Networking Component Demo - Packet Tracer01:18:21
Networking Component Demo - Packet Tracer
218L108CY: Overview of Security Operations01:20:01
Overview of Security Operations
219L109CY: Social Engineering00:19:31
Phishing and Phishing Analysis
220L110CY: HOW TO ANALYSE PHISHING EMAIL USING OSINT #virustotal #ipvoid #urlscan #mxtoolbox00:29:16
HOW TO ANALYSE PHISHING EMAIL USING OSINT #virustotal #ipvoid #urlscan #mxtoolbox
222L112CY: Log Analysis and Collection Part 100:58:48
Understanding Log Analysis and Collection
223L113CY: Log Analysis and Collection Part 200:35:18
Log Analysis workshop
224L114CY: Mastering Log collection and Compliance Part 100:37:53
Log collection and compliance
225L115CY: Mastering Log collection and Compliance Part 200:37:26
Log Collection and Compliance Quiz
226L116CY: Security Tools01:02:39
Security Tools and Categories
227L117CY: Incident Response Part 100:44:05
Introduction to Incident Response
228L118CY: Incident Response Part 200:29:04
Incidence Response workshop
229L119CY: Wire Shark Workshop01:00:22
Wire Shark Continuation
230L120CY: Wire Shark Individual presentation00:52:14
Wireshark Workshop
231L121CY: Pcap File Analysis with Wireshark01:02:47
Pcap Analysis
232L122CY: Pcap Analysis Presentation00:25:38
Pcap Analysis
Introduction to Mitre Attack framework
234L124CY: Azure Sentinel Part 100:13:24
Azure Sentinel- (Account set-up)
235L125CY: Azure Sentinel Part 200:18:16
Introduction to Lab (Azure Sentinel)
236L126CY: Azure Sentinel Part 300:52:02
Azure Sentinel workshop
237L127CY: Azure Sentinel Part 400:05:08
Login and Monitoring 1
238L128CY: Azure Sentinel Part 501:13:47
Login and Monitoring 2
239L129CY: Azure Sentinel Part 600:20:07
Understanding Azure Active Directory
240L130CY: Azure Sentinel Part 700:42:52
Creation of Azure Log Analytic workspace
241L131CY: Azure Sentinel Part 800:12:28
Adding Microsoft Azure sentinel to work space
242L132CY: Azure Sentinel Part 900:13:49
Micrsoft Sentinel Threat Intelligence
243L133CY: Introduction to Cyber Security I37 minutes
246L136CY: CYBER SECURITY BASICS SEC1011hr 47 mins
247L066BA: Introduction to Business Analysis00:13:50
Business Analysts Roles and Rwsponsibilities
248L067BA: Creation of User Stories and Acceptance Criteria01:27:58
Creation of User Atories and Acceptance Criteria
249L068BA: Balsamic01:28:36
250L069BA: Process Map01:16:06
User Journey map
251L070BA: Process Map continuation00:08:54
User Journey map
252L071BA: Use Case and Business Case DiagramVideo lesson
Types of relationship
253L072BA: Gherkin Syntax in Business AnalysisVideo lesson
User Story and Acceptance Criteria
254L073BA: Introduction to Business Analysis96
�What is a Business Analyst?
�Who is a Business Analyst?
�Any restrictions in the industry?
�IT Knowledge required for a Business Analyst.
�Essential skills required of a Business Analyst.
�Keywords used by a Business Analyst
�Stakeholder Analysis
�Investigation Techniques
255L074BA: CV Creation, CV Review, How to apply for jobs, Mock Interviews/Interview Prep58
256L075BA: How I became an IT consultant from a ticketing officer at London Underground82
Motivational session
257L076BA: Use Case Diagram and Business Case135
The Big Picture
Overview of a business case
How to develop a business case
258L077BA: Roadmap60
259L078BA: Introduction to Business Analysis96
What is a Business Analyst?
Who is a Business Analyst?
Any restrictions in the industry?
IT Knowledge required for a Business Analyst.
Essential skills required of a Business Analyst.
Keywords used by a Business Analyst
Stakeholder Analysis
Investigation Techniques
260L079BA: Internship Onboarding50
Internship Structure
Tutor Buddy and Mentor
Internship support call
Pastoral call
Onboarding Process
Programme Schedule
261L080BA: Introduction into Agile (Agile/ Scrum/ Kanban) and Waterfall (Software Development Methodologies)119
Introdcution to Agile Software Developmetn Methodologies
What is Scrum
What is Kanban
Scrum vs Kanban
Introduction to Waterfall Software Developmetn Methodologies.
262L066BA: Introduction to Business Analysis00:13:50
Business Analysts Roles and Rwsponsibilities
263L067BA: Creation of User Stories and Acceptance Criteria01:27:58
Creation of User Atories and Acceptance Criteria
264L068BA: Balsamic01:28:36
265L069BA: Process Map01:16:06
User Journey map
266L070BA: Process Map continuation00:08:54
User Journey map
267L071BA: Use Case and Business Case DiagramVideo lesson
Types of relationship
268L072BA: Gherkin Syntax in Business AnalysisVideo lesson
User Story and Acceptance Criteria
269L073BA: Introduction to Business Analysis96
�What is a Business Analyst?
�Who is a Business Analyst?
�Any restrictions in the industry?
�IT Knowledge required for a Business Analyst.
�Essential skills required of a Business Analyst.
�Keywords used by a Business Analyst
�Stakeholder Analysis
�Investigation Techniques
270L074BA: CV Creation, CV Review, How to apply for jobs, Mock Interviews/Interview Prep58
271L075BA: How I became an IT consultant from a ticketing officer at London Underground82
Motivational session
272L076BA: Use Case Diagram and Business Case135
The Big Picture
Overview of a business case
How to develop a business case
273L077BA: Roadmap60
274L078BA: Introduction to Business Analysis96
What is a Business Analyst?
Who is a Business Analyst?
Any restrictions in the industry?
IT Knowledge required for a Business Analyst.
Essential skills required of a Business Analyst.
Keywords used by a Business Analyst
Stakeholder Analysis
Investigation Techniques
275L079BA: Internship Onboarding50
Internship Structure
Tutor Buddy and Mentor
Internship support call
Pastoral call
Onboarding Process
Programme Schedule
276L080BA: Introduction into Agile (Agile/ Scrum/ Kanban) and Waterfall (Software Development Methodologies)119
Introdcution to Agile Software Developmetn Methodologies
What is Scrum
What is Kanban
Scrum vs Kanban
Introduction to Waterfall Software Developmetn Methodologies.
277L081BA: Agile: The roles of team members (Scrum Master, Tester, BA)67
The 3 main roles in Agile
Some Other roles within ann Agile Team
278L082BA: Different Elicitation Techniques78
Investigation Techniques:
279L083BA: Requirement Gathering and Documentation.108
Elicitation Techniques.
Challenges faced during requirement gathering.
280L084BA: How to write User Stories/ Acceptance Criteria- Workshop.Video lesson
281L085BA: Backlog Population/ Navigating Azure Sprint Board.Video lesson
282L086BA: General MeetingVideo lesson
283L087BA: How I became an IT consultant from a ticketing officer at London Underground82
Motivational session
284L088BA: Introduction to Scrum MasterVideo lesson
Scrum Master Roles and Responsibility
285L089BA: Introduction to Business Analysis00:13:50
Business Analysts Roles and Rwsponsibilities
286L090BA: Creation of User Stories and Acceptance Criteria01:27:58
Creation of User Atories and Acceptance Criteria
287L091BA: Balsamic01:28:36
288L092BA: Process Map01:16:06
User Journey map
289L093BA: Process Map continuation00:08:54
User Journey map
290L094BA: ElicitationVideo lesson
291L095BA: Introduction to Business Analysis01 hour 36 minutes
292L096BA: Stakeholder and Expectations02 hours 16 minutes
293L097BA: How to Conduct Interview Theory Show and TellVideo lesson
294L098BA: How To Use Visio01:00 hour
295L099BA: How To Create Wireframe01 hour 48 minutes
296L100BA: Gap Analysis02 hours 29 minutes
297L101BA: Use Case02 hours 15 minutes
298L102BA: How To Create Roadmap01 hour 8 minutes
299L103BA: Elicitation1hour 5mins 29s
301L054ADPM: Project Management Part 1: Introuction to Project Management01:02:11
Introuction to Project Management
302L055ADPM: Team Charter Workshop00:34:50
Team Charter
303L056ADPM: Project Management Part 2: Prince 2 Methodology01:51:15
Prince 2 Methodology
304L057ADPM: Project Management Part 3: Portfolios, Program an Projects01:29:21
Portfolios, Program an Projects
305L058ADPM: Project Management Part 423:57Prince 2 Processes01.14.20
Prince 2 Processes
306L059ADPM: Project Management Part 5: Resource ManagementVideo lesson
Resource Management
307L060ADPM: Project Management Part 6: The Five PMI ModulesVideo lesson
The Five PMI Modules
308L061ADPM: End of Intership Presentation00:30:46
End of Project
309L062ADPM: Presentation Feedback00.52.38
Deji's Feedback
310L063ADPM: Oracle Presentation and Feedback00.55.52
Oracle Project Presentation
311L064ADPM: INTRODUCTION TO APM & ADM1hour 23minutes
312L065ADPM: ADM - APM TRAINING1hour 16minutes
313L001GN: Sprint 1 Demo and presentationVideo lesson
314L002GN: Sprint 2 Demo and presentation180
Presentation by all 2023W teams
315L001GN: Sprint 1 Demo and presentationVideo lesson
316L002GN: Sprint 2 Demo and presentation180
Presentation by all 2023W teams
317L003GN: Sprint 3 Demo and presentationVideo lesson
318L004GN: Sprint 3 Demo and presentationVideo lesson
319L005GN: CV Creation, CV Review, How to apply for jobs, Mock Interviews/Interview Prep58
CV creation live workshop
320L006GN: Job Application guide00:45:51
Job Application guide
321L007GN: Introduction to Scrum MasteryVideo lesson
Scrum Master Roles and Responsibility
322L008GN: Introduction to Agile Project Management & PlanningVideo lesson
Introduction to Agile Project Management & Planning
323L009GN: Scrum CeremoniesVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies
324L010GN: Team charterVideo lesson
Team charter
325L011GN: Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint PlanningVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint Planning
326L012GN: Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Daily Stand UpVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Daily Stand Up
327L013GN: Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint ReviewVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint Review
328L014GN: Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint RetrospectiveVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Sprint Retrospective
329L015GN: Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Q&AVideo lesson
Scrum Ceremonies Workshop Q&A
330L016GN: Azure Board Project Set UpVideo lesson
Azure Board Project Set Up
331L017GN: Azure Board Project Set Up WorkshopVideo lesson
Azure Board Project Set Up Workshop
332L018GN: Sprint 0 DemoVideo lesson
Sprint 0 Demo
333L019GN: Sprint 0 Demo FeedbackVideo lesson
Sprint 0 Demo Feedback
334L020GN: Sprint 1 ExpectationsVideo lesson
Sprint 1 Expectations
335L021GN: Capacity PlanningVideo lesson
Capacity Planning
336L022GN: Capacity Planning WorkshopVideo lesson
Capacity Planning Workshop
337L023GN: General meetingVideo lesson
General meeting
338L024GN: Sprint 0 DemoVideo lesson
Sprint 0 Demo
339L025GN: Sprint 0 Demo FeedbackVideo lesson
Sprint 0 Demo Feedback
340L026GN: CV Creation, CV Review, How to apply for jobs, Mock Interviews/Interview Prep58
CV creation live workshop
341L027GN: CV Creation, CV Review, How to apply for jobs, Mock Interviews/Interview Prep58
342L028GN: Sprint 1 Demo and presentationVideo lesson
343L029GN: Sprint 2 Demo and presentation180
Presentation by all 2023W teams
344L030GN: General Meeting180
Interview Prep
345L031GN: CV Review120
346L032GN: Internship Induction1hour 6mins 55s
347L033GN: Q&A 09 May 202313mins 21s
348L034GN: Visio Show and Tell1hour 29minutes
349L035GN: SKILL MATRIX1hour
350L036GN: Mentorship Session For Visio and User Story1hour 58minutes
351L037GN: JIRA Set-Up Tutorial1hour 9minutes
352L038GN: MIND MAP SESSION0hours 14minutes
353L039GN: ROLE OF TEAM MEMBERS0hours 50minutes
354L040GN: Work Placement Onboarding00:08:42
Structure, Career Development & Pastoral Care
355L041GN: Introduction to all the Roles & Calendar Update00:59:47
Introduction to all the Roles & Calendar Update
356L042GN: Career Development00:37:04
Career Development
357L043GN: Introduction to Scrum Mastery00:51:14
Introduction to Scrum Mastery
358L044GN: Introduction to Business Analysis00:51:21
Introduction to Business Analysis
359L045GN: Introduction to Software Testing01:12:06
Introduction to Software Testing
360L046GN: Introduction to Cybersecurity00:38:37
Introduction to Cybersecurity
361L047GN: Introduction to Project Management00:37:52
Introduction to Project Management
362L048GN: Introduction to Data Analysis00:55:03
Introduction to Data Analysis
363L049GN: Scrum Ceremonies01:32:46
Scrum Ceremonies
364L050GN: Scrum Ceremonies - Worskshop01:29:15
Scrum Ceremonies - Worskshop
365L051GN: Team Charter00:47:11
Team Charter
366L052GN: Career Development01:25:09
CV Creation
367L053GN: Azure Board Set-up02:43:10
Azure Board Set-up